Thursday, January 1, 2015

Top Five New Year Resolutions For You and Your Pet

The following are some of the most common resolutions people make this time of year. The same resolutions can  be good for your pet.
1. Exercise More
Many people do not get enough regular exercise, which can lead to long term health problems. Try to find something you enjoy and make realistic goals to include more physical activity into your life.
Your Pet
Regular exercise can keep your pet healthy too. Consider including your pet in your exercise goals. It can be fun and you both could benefit!

2. Improve your eating habits
Evaluate your current eating habits and make goal to improve.  It might be to lose weight or just improve the quality of your diet.
Your Pet
Evaluate your pet’s current diet. The quality of your pet’s diet is directly related to their health.  Pet obesity has been on the rise and leads to many other health problems can be life threatening for your pet. Also, many foods contain allergens that can be causing your pet problems too.

3. Detox your life
We all can benefit from detoxing our bodies and eliminating unhealthy substances from our environment. (Quit smoking, stop/limit drinking alcohol, reduce caffeine intake, use only natural cleaning agents, etc) 
Your Pet
Detox your pet’s environment. Your pet is just as susceptible to environmental toxins as you. Beware what products your pet comes in to contact with to protect them. Look at your pet products, but also your cleaning supplies and pesticides used in and around the home.

 4. Financial Checkup
Evaluate your finances and make sure you are spending your dollars wisely.
Your Pet
Being proactive with preventive care saves money. Preventive care for your pet will save you money. Providing a healthy, high quality, hypoallergenic diet, and supportive supplements (such as Power Probiotics for Pets and Amazing Omegas) can save you money in the long run by reducing your veterinarian expenses.

5. Spend more time with loved ones and have more FUN!
 Life gets busy and it is easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget to have fun. Make an effort to schedule quality time with those special to you and take time to enjoy life!
Your Pet
It is important for your pet to spend time with the ones they love.. When life get’s busy it is often our furry friends that get neglected. Our pets want and need our attention, neglect can often lead to negative behavior. Make it a goal to have more “fun time” with your pet.  Who knows, it might surprise you who has more fun!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Keeping Your Senior Pet Healthy

 The care of a senior pet will differ from that of younger one.  It's never too late to make healthy changes to your pet's diet and supplement regimen.  Many times pet owners may see signs of a pet's deterioration and conclude that is just "old age" when in fact, it a health problem that can be readily addressed.  Taking your senior pet in at least twice a year for regular check-ups that include laboratory tests (blood and urine) every 6 months is a way to find potential health problems early.

What is your your pet's true age in human years? According to the American Veterinary Medical Association your pets age is estimated as:

*Small: 0-20 lbs; Medium: 21-50 lbs; Large: 51-90 lbs; Very large: >90 lbs 

Older Pet Care Considerations

These are some considerations that become more critical as a pet gets older:
  • Increased veterinary care- senior pets should have more frequent veterinarian exams to monitor their health
  • Diet and nutrition- nutritional needs change as the pet ages ---it's never too late to improve your pet's diet!
  • Weight control - changes in weight ( gain or loss) may be a sign of a problem 
  • Parasite control-becomes more important due to an immune system not being as effective as in younger pets
  • Maintaining mobility-older pets keeping mobile through exercise helps keep them healthier. Curcumin for Pets reduces inflammation and improves mobility in both cats and dogs.
  • Vaccination - vaccination needs may change, and a program for geriatric pets should be discussed
  • Mental health-Senior pets can begin to show signs of senility.  Keeping them stimulated and mentally active can helpDogs in particular can display dementia and using Dog Brain Booster can greatly help.
  • Environmental considerations- reevaluate your pets environment for comfort and safety.
You can play a big role in your pet's health, as they age, by watching for physical and behavioral changes. Often your pet may show behavior changes before a disease is detected.  The following are some behavioral changes an older pet may dipslay:
  • Increased reaction to sounds
  • Increased vocalization
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Decreased interaction w/humans
  • Increased aggressive/protective behavior or anxiety
  • Increased anxiety
  • House soiling
  • Decreased self-hygiene/grooming
Be sure to bring your pet to the veterinarian if you notice any of these changes.  Adding powerful, purified Omega 3 fatty acids found in Amazing Omegas is essential for all aging cats and dogs.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Does Your Puppy or Kitten Have Worms?

It is important to know that almost all puppies and kittens will have intestinal worms by the time they are 2 weeks old. They most often get them from their mother before birth through the placenta or soon after birth through mother's milk.  The most common types of intestinal parasites in kittens and puppies are Hookworms, Roundworms, and Tapeworms.

It's best to get a stool sample done at your vet's office and use the proper medication to kill off the worms.  Since the gastrointestinal tract houses the majority of your pet's immune system, it is important to get your puppy or kitten off on the right start.  It's not unusual for pets that develop IBS in their early years, to have had repetitive cases of worms or giardia as a baby.  It is extremely important that you provide extra immune system support to your pet to help prevent the worms from returning and to rebalance the natural intestinal flora. Colostrum for Pets + Power Probiotic is an excellent combination for all puppies and kittens with worms.  

Hookworms -cause blood loss through the intestines and can cause a puppy or kitten and can lead to death from anemia (severe blood loss) if not treated.  This worm can also be transmitted to humans through the skin.
Signs include: pale mucous membranes, dark tarry stools, constipation, loss of condition, poor appetite, dry cough, and sudden death. 

Roundworms- This worm also causes blood loss through the intestines, is present often at birth in these babies, and can be transmitted to humans.
Signs include: abdominal distension (bloated belly), colicky pain, anorexia, scanty feces, coughing due to larval migration, weakness, sudden death. 

Tapeworms- They are the most common parasite and  are caused by the pet eating/swallowing fleas carrying the tapeworm eggs. This is the only way to get tapeworms, by eating infected fleas. These worms are not dangerous, and cause no other real harm to the pet. 
Signs include: dragging or rubbing the anus on the ground, and visible tapeworm segments on the feces. Causes or risk factors are eating viscera of rabbits or rodents, and fleas in the environment. 

The most common method of diagnosis is through fecal examination, however, receiving a negative fecal report cannot guarantee that your kitten or puppy does not have internal parasites. The result may give a false negative if the infestation is not severe, making it ever more important to use supporting supplements; such as Colostrum for Pets plus Power Probiotic.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Woody - Kitty With IBD is Feeling Better!


"We are so thankful for the Ask Ariel products! Our Woody started the Power Probiotic and Soothing Digestive Relief enzyme on Dec. 1 and we are seeing such improvement. He was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, but these products have really helped…….his appetite has returned, his coat has become shiny and fluffy again, he’s actually grooming again so we think he’s feeling better, he’s not hiding - sleeping like a baby on our bed again, and the diarrhea is gone and nicely formed “poops” have returned……..yeah!! Thank you !!!"
Sue Ellen- Arizona (2014)
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Canine Brain Tumors: Signs To Watch For

A canine brain tumor is a mass inside your dogs cranial cavity, it may be cancerous or non cancerous. There are different levels of malignancy and depending on the level, the treatment options will vary.The mass may be the main tumor or possibly a secondary tumor, that has spread from another part of the body. Brain tumors are more common in older dogs (and cats too), but can also develop in younger pets. It is important to know the signs, depending on the location the symptoms may vary. 

Forebrain Symptoms-responsible for "thinking," behavior, and final integration of sensory information

  • Behavioral abnormalities such as loss of learned behavior and depression
  • Increased or decreased appetite and thirst
  • Constant pacing or circling
  • Decreased awareness and vision on one side of the body,
  • Seizures
The Brainstem-regulation of motor function (the ability to walk), the level of wakefulness, and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.   nerves that control movement of and sensation to the face, the eyes, the throat, larynx and tongue, and the muscles of mastication 

  • Head tilt
  • Leaning and falling to the side of the head tilt
  • Drunken gait with loss of balance (ataxia)
  • Circling to the side of the head tilt
  • Involuntary flicking of the eyes (nystagmus)
  • Loss of appetite and vomiting
  • Abnormal eye position (strabismus)
The Cerebellum - The cerebellum controls coordination of movements and interacts closely with the vestibular system to control balance and posture. Signs of a tumor in the cerebellum include:

  • Uncoordinated gait characterized by dramatic goosestepping (hypermetria)
  • Head tremors that are worst when the animal is intent on something (i.e., food) but disappear when the animal is relaxed (intention tremors)
  • Swaying of the trunk
  • Wide based stance
  • The animal's strength remains normal

How is a brain tumor diagnosed? 
If your pet is over five years of age and new neurological symptoms pop up, testing for a brain tumor should be performed. Testing will include a complete physical and neurological examination, routine blood work (to rule out other causes), CT or MRI (MRI will show more detail and is the first choice), possible surgery or biopsy to determine type of tumor.

Treatment and Prognosis
The options for treating brain tumors usually include surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and palliative treatment of the symptoms or a combination. Alternative Holistic Care can also be an important part of your pet's care plan.  Holistic supplements that can help are:

  • Happy Paws-  It is an easy to use natural supplement that is helpful for dogs and cats with anxiety, cancer, pain, mobility issues, seizures and stress. Just a few drops of this anti-inflammatory hemp extract CBD oil reduces muscular nerve pain and inflammation.
  • Dog Brain Booster- Provides vital support to the brain with ingredients such as acetyl l-carnitine and phosphatidyl serine, scientifically proven to support brain health.  This leading brain support supplement can help reduce and prevent dog seizures, help dogs with dementia, brain tumors and other brain disorders.
  • Amazing Omegas-Omega -3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain
We must stress that most brain tumors can be treated but not cured.  The goal should be to maintain and extend, for as long as possible,  a good quality of life for your pet.  From our experience, pets that use the supplements along with their treatment regimens have a much better outcome.
Friday, December 12, 2014

Top Gift List for Your Pet This Holiday Season


MUSIC:  Music that is tailored especially for the senses of pets. It can be used to calm pets during home alone time, thunderstorms, travel and training sessions

FASHION: How cool is your pet? Fashion remains a big category for pets.  Whether your dog  needs  a cashmere sweater or a  motorcycle helmet, it can be found. Fashion can be fun and a practical gift during the cold winter months.

DOG MONITORING SYSTEM: The mobile health monitoring trend for people is moving on to our pets. These systems attach to your pets collar and tracks your pet’s health and activity. They can then be viewed on your computer or smartphone to help you track their trends and help alert you to changes.

HOLIDAY TREATS: We all enjoy treats during the holiday season and we want to indulge our pets too. There are many good options for tasty, healthy treats.  Please check the ingredients in treats and focus primarily on feeding freeze dried protein snacks such as freeze dried wild salmon.  Many "healthy" looking treats contain problematic ingredients such as molasses and grains---both of which can give a pet a yeast infection.  The last thing you want to do this season is run to the vet. Here is an article on what to watch for 5 Treats That Can Make Your Pet Sick!

MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION:  There are companies that specialize in monthly gift services for your pet. They come in a variety of themes (food, toys, fashion and more), which vary in price and content.  The boxes are shipped to your home monthly.. What a great way to spoil your pet all year.

BOOKS:  Of course your pet cannot read them, but there is a wide range of new books out this season that can help you understand your pet's personality and needs, which can improve their quality of life. The options are unbelievable--from training resources  to cookbooks and everything in between. 

LUXURY DOG BEDS and PILLOWS: Dogs sleep on average 13 hours a day (although much of it is in the form of naps) why not indulge your pet with a special comfy place just for them.  

Most of all, give your pets lots of love and good health.  Supplements such as Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotic found on will ensure your pet will live life to the fullest!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is Tartar Making Your Pet Sick?

What is Tartar Accumulation?
Tartar, or calculus, is the advanced form of dental plaque. It is the result of a long and continuous accumulation of plaque that has been allowed to remain on and in between teeth. There are many  factors that lead to the accumulation of tartar including: age, health status, breed, oral hygiene, diet and mouth environment.

It is important to treat and control tartar accumulation for two very important reasons:
to maintain the health of teeth and gums
to guard against infection spreading to other parts of the body

If the plaque is not removed, it may start to combine with the saliva and begin to mineralize, into tartar, in just 3-5 days. If left untreated the tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed and red, pockets may form between the gums and the teeth and it can allow bacteria to grow, which could lead to tooth loss, bone loss and wide spread infection. 

However, good oral hygiene may not be enough to help your pet. Because saliva plays a role in tartar development, and the more acid in the saliva, the more rapid the build-up of plaque, stomach acids need to be managed. This is where diet and holistic supplementation can help. Feeding your pet a diet specifically designed to reduce the amount of plaque and tartar build up can help.  Raw frozen diets provide optimal nutrition for pets and can help with tartar accumulation.  The raw meat and bones will help to control the tartar by acting as a  gentle dental abrasive and the raw meat contains natural enzymes, that helps digestion and reduces acid.  The addition of holistic supplements such as; Power Probiotics, K9 Digestive, Lypozyme (for cats) and Gastro ULC, will further aid digestion will add another level of protection. 

Here are symptoms to watch for:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Sensitivity around the mouth
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Gums that are inflamed (red),or receding
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach or intestinal upsets
  • Drooling
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Irritability or depression